Disorganized Chaos.....yep, that's my life!

just a bit about the fam................

Sunday, November 30, 2008

First Picture Together

I took Addison and Alex to get pics made for Christmas. I expected the worst, but was pleased and surprised with the outcome of the photo session. I took more pictures of Addie because Alex had his own photo shoot last month. She had school pictures done, but the blue background clashed with her teal green shirt...therefore....we didn't order any!

I just signed up to scrapbook digitally because I realize that I don't have time or space to get all of my scrapbooking stuff out to do it anymore. Plus...whenever I do drag it all out...Addison thinks that she should be doing it too. Hopefully I will have some pages to post on here soon! I am very excited about this! There is no paper to keep up with, but the results are virtually the same!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008


Addison had a great time trick or treating in the hood on Halloween night. She, much to my dismay, dressed up as Gabriella from High School Musical. I wanted her to be Batgirl, but she wasn't feeling it. So....I made her take her HSM microphone and sing a song at every house that she stopped at. It was hilarious. Alex was dressed in his "I love my mummy" shirt and matching hat! It was too cute!